Governance Statement
The KW Sports Council is an incorporated not-for-profit organization operating in Ontario since 2000. (Letters Patent were issued by the Province of Ontario dated October 4, 2000.)
Membership in the Sports Council is open to all residents of Kitchener and Waterloo.
The general management of the Sports Council is vested in a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of eight (8) elected Directors and the immediate Past President. The Directors are elected at an Annual General Meeting by the eligible members.
The volunteer Board of Directors meets as required to consider and determine various matters and motions regarding the SC’s mandate, programmes and issues brought to its attention by the Directors, the members, its partners and the sport community.
The Sports Council is the sub-licensee responsible for the KidSport Kitchener Waterloo Chapter through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Play for All Sport Initiative (Ontario) and KidSport Canada.
The Sports Council is an affiliated minor sport organization with the cities of Kitchener and Waterloo.